برزنتيشن عن الرياضة بالانجليزي

برزنتيشن عن الرياضة بالانجليزي
برزنتيشن عن الرياضة بالانجليزي

برزنتيشن عن الرياضة بالانجليزي
اذا اردت تقديم برزنتيشن عن الرياضة بالانجليزي فستجد هنا كل ما يهمك من معلومات عن الرياضة واهميتها وايضا عن طريقة البرزنتيشن وما يجب قوله في المقدمة والموضوع والخاتمة كل ذلك يوجد هنا تحت عنوان برزنتيشن عن الرياضة بالانجليزي.
Hello, my name is(your name). I’ll make a presentation about sports today ,and I’ll show you some pictures. Ihope you’ll get benefit with the subject. If you have any question I’ll be happy to answer it after I finish.
Because of the great comfort offered by modern human techniques, many diseases have emerged, mainly due to lack of exercise and increased body mass. People’s bodies today are not the same as previous objects. People have survived death due to the tremendous technological development in the medical field. Many treatments have been able to eliminate a large number of different diseases, but in return great comfort, lack of movement, and the spread of harmful foods caused in the increase of other diseases such as heart disease, chronic diabetes, high blood pressure, and other diseases.
Effect of exercise on the human body;
The importance of exercise is to protect people from the various diseases and disorders that hinder their lives, which greatly reduce their chances of success in the work they perform and which they are always required to do. These actions are much easier for those who are physically have high fitness .
Exercise for 30 minutes, three times a week – maintains body consistency and keeps the human heart from harm, besides improving the ability of the lungs to absorb good amounts of oxygen, all of which prolong The age of man, and reduce the possibility of his death.
Sport increases the ability of people to enjoy the life in the exercise of their favorite sports, such as mountain climbing, adventures in valleys, and many other sports. Sports reduces the rate of human tension, which gives him a sense of optimism, vitality and activity during the different days of his life.
The benefits of sport are not limited to the above, but there are many other benefits ,and most importantly, sport is a lifestyle, it is difficult to leave it even in the most difficult times, it makes you earn a high self confidence and improves the overall mood which makes him a very different person from before.
Sports benefits for health;
Sports can be practiced in daily life by changing daily routines and adding movement, and these benefits ,as demonstrated by recent studies,are:
Reduce the risk of diabetes.
Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and cholesterol.
Getting rid of accumulated fat in the body is therefore a way to maintain body weight.
Makes the mind better and the memory active.
Increases self- confidence because the sport teaches us endurance and patience when performing exercises to make the body more fit and flexible, and thus is a psychological teacher teaches us confidence and patience.
Eliminate all stress of life, such as tension, nervousness, and excess energy.
Maintains bone health, reduces risk of fragility, and maintains joint health.
Increases sexual capacity in women and men.
To eliminate the depression that may affect humans, and this has been proven by recent studies that stated that people who exercise in their lives get rid of all symptoms of mental disorders, including depression.
Helps improve brain function by secreting chemicals such as endorphins that make a person feel better.
Suggestions for sports activities in our lives;
There are a lot of important activities that involve improving the health and the body, which are good exercises that can be added in the daily routine and change it to the best such as:
Going up and down stairs and away from using the elevator, this helps to improve the joints and strengthen the bones.
Walking and not using transportation If the place is close, walking for half an hour a day improves mood and thinking and also increases muscle tone.
Do housework such as: cleaning the floor and arranging the rooms.
Self-reliance when doing special things like cleaning your car, buying needs.
Thank you for listening. I hope you have benefited from the topic. If you have any questions you would like to ask, I would be happy to answer them all.
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