برزنتيشن عن Water turtles – هام للطلاب الجامعيين

برزنتيشن عن Water turtles – هام للطلاب الجامعيين
برزنتيشن عن Water turtles – هام للطلاب الجامعيين

برزنتيشن عن Water turtles – هام للطلاب الجامعيين
Water turtles
I love turtles and turtle as a slow-moving turtles are divided into two categories : show and water and feed mainly on tortoise plant and the erosion of all the things that made, for example, have a T. soon : fruit and vegetables, meat, eggs, bread and the like.
The problem of environmental pollution has become a serious threat to mankind b fleeting but threatens the lives of all living organisms and plants It has emerged this problem as a result of the industrial and Els the sovereignty of the population over the years and environment pollution in Maan uh includes extensive pollution of the biosphere Bbah and lead to Tel % pw environmental organisms, such as microbes Bakt Rayya, viruses and fungi that also includes pollution of chemotherapy of the environment and lead to the pollution of the environment sprayings chemicals and gases and waste of factories and many m n chemicals have radioactivity This leads to Tallow radioactivity of the environment..
February a sacrd month for all the kuwaitis many reasons.First becaus it is the month of our independence secondly,it is the month our libretion after the iraqe occapation so our wise government held an economis festival last february to mark that holy occasion.In that festivel,all the big markets,supermarkets and big companis that happy occation the after prizes,descouts and competitions on ther products and good it turned out to be a cuitural and economis and social ceremony as culturad debates and discussuins were hild with great poets,writers and businessmen.That festival flourish the touristis and in that sacred economis aspects inside our country.We hope that fistivel will be hold every year in that sacred and beloved month “February”.
Hala February … In Hala February people celebrated the occasion of the independence of the investigation R. Kuwait at the date of February 26 and 25 in this Dispose Et Hbun people to the parks to enjoy the feast of national and all the people go to the march in the holiday home j and sprays used to play with each other and fall of march in all places in the State of Kuwait but more Allen PSV go to the Gulf Street to celebrate …
All people want to enjoy a clothing and watches the distinctive and I would prefer to use brands Chopard in usion and hours and all the things that these top model is Almmi 34th me and I also loved the costumes and accessories of Vaglb I wear accessories are brands Chopard These are some pictures of hours that I love every single one of us preferred brands and loves to wear in clothes and all things