منهاج اليمن

تعريفات منهج اللغة الانجليزية الثالث الثانوي للقسم الادبي و العلمي منهاج اليمن 

تعريفات منهج اللغة الانجليزية الثالث الثانوي للقسم الادبي و العلمي منهاج اليمن

تعريفات منهج اللغة الانجليزية الثالث الثانوي للقسم الادبي و العلمي منهاج اليمن

تعريفات منهج اللغة الانجليزية الثالث الثانوي للقسم الادبي و العلمي منهاج اليمن

 التعريفات :

  1. A valley (وادي ) is a place between two hills .
  2. A desert ( صحراء ) is a place where nothing or very little grows .
  3. A peak ( قمة ) is the highest part of a mountain .
  4. A plough ( ( محراث is a tool which is used for turning the soil over .
  5. Rama is a cross between a male camel and a female Llama .
  6. Synonyms are words with the same meaning .
  7. Antonyms are words with the opposite meaning .
  8. A forest ( غابة ) is a very large wood .
  9. A drought ( جفاف ) is a shortage of water after a long period with no rain .
  10. A flood ( فيضان ) is deep water over normally dry land .
  11. A flash flood ( سيل ) is very quick deep water in a wadi in the mountains .
  12. An epidemic ( وباء ) is an illness that spreads quickly and effects many people .
  13. A volcano ( بركان ) is a mountain with a hole in the top .
  14. A volcanic eruption ( ثورة بركان ) is the explosion of molten rocks .
  15. A famine (مجاعة ) is a shortage of food .
  16. A hurricane is a powerful storm with strong winds .
  17. The crust ( قشرة الأرض ) is the hard rock surface of the earth .
  18. A fault line (خط الزلزال ) is the place where two plates meet causing an earthquake .
  19. An earthquake (الزلزال) is the shaking of the earth `s surface .
  20. plates ( الصفائح ) are sections ( طبقات) into which the earth crust is divided .
  21. Richter scale is an instrument which is used for measuring the strength of an earthquake .
  22. A career advisor is a person who gives advice .
  23. A school leaver is a person who is about to leave school . ( a person in the last year at school ).
  24. A tourist guide is a person who guides tourists .
  25. A taxi driver is a person who drives taxis .
  26. An application is a person who applies for a job .
  27. A suffix is a group of letters that is added to the end of a word .
  28. A prefix is a group of letters that goes in front of a word .
  29. The stem ( جذر الكلمة ) is the part of a word that is common to all forms of that word .
  30. A word set ( مجموعة كلمات ) is a group of connected words .
  31. A mystery is something which is impossible to explain .
  32. A nurse is a woman who looks after ( ترعي ) patients .
  33. A disaster (كارثة) is an event (حدث) that causes great damage .
  34. A plantation (مزرعة) is a land planted with trees or a crop .
  35. Landslide (انجراف التربة ) is the earth slipping down a mountain .
  36. A nightmare (كابوس) is a frightening dream .
  37. The environment (البيئة) is the world around us .
  38. An ambulance (سيارة إسعاف) is a car used in hospitals to carry people with bad injuries.
  39. A wrist (معصم) is a part of the body just above the hand .
  40. Pulse (نبض) is the beating of the blood through the body .
  41. A safety worker (رجل الأمن ) is a person who makes sure that factories and other places of work are not dangerous
  42. Personal details ( البيانات الشخصية ) are information about a person .
  43. An examination room (غرفة الفحص ) is a private (خاص) place where a doctor examines patients .
  44. A casualty unit ( قسم الطوارئ ) is a place where bad injuries are treated .

تعريفات خاصة بالقسم الادبي:

  1. A proverb (مثل) is a sentence that expresses a truth or a moral (أخلاقي)lesson
  2. Idioms (الاصطلاحات اللغوية) are words which the general meaning is different from the meanings of the words used .
  3. The plot (الحبكة ) is the story of the play .
  4. A tragedy ( دراما مأساوية ) is a play with sad events or sad end .
  5. A comedy (دراما ساخرة) is a play with events full of fun .
  6. A critic is a person who makes judgments about the arts .
  7. Calligraphy is the art of fine handwriting .
  8. The Bermuda triangle is a place in the Atlantic ocean where many ships and planes disappeared.

تعريفات خاصة بالقسم العلمي :

  1. An acid is a substance that reacts with bases to produce salts .
  2. A base is a substance that reacts with acids to produce salts .
  3. Alkalis are bases that dissolve in water .
  4. Litmus is a vegetable dye that is used to test the acidity of solutions .
  5. PH scale is a tool that is used to measure the strength of an acid or alkali .
  6. Acid rain is a kind of rain caused by reaction between the gases released from burning oil or coal and water in the atmosphere .
  7. Matter is any material , which is found in our universe .
  8. A solid is a state of matter in which the particles are fixed and close together .
  9. A liquid is a state of matter in which the particles are not fixed and are further apart.
  10. A gas is a state of matter in which the particles are not fixed and are further apart .
  11. Light is a form of energy .
  12. Lenses are specially – shaped pieces of glass that refract light exactly .
  13. A convex lens is a lens which is thicker in the middle than at the edges and can make objects look larger .
  14. A concave lens is a lens which is thinner in the middle than at the edges and can make objects look smaller .
  15. Angle of incidence ( زاوية السقوط) is the angle at which light hits a surface
  16. Angle of reflection (زاوية الانعكاس) is the angle at which light is reflected .
  17. Refraction (انكسار الضوء) is the bending of light waves when they pass from one transparent medium to another .
  18. Sound is waves created by something vibrating .
  19. Hertz is the number of sound waves per second .
  20. Ultrasonic sound is frequencies higher than those that can be heard by people .
  21. Decibel (db) is a unit used for measuring the volume of sound .
  22. Vaccination is giving a very weak form of a disease to prevent a disease .
  23. Aids is one of the most feared diseases in history .
  24. Smallpox is a disease that is found in humans .
  25. Cowpox is a disease that is found in cattle .
  26. A solar eclipse is the disappearance of the sun during daylight .
  27. A lunar eclipse is the disappearance of the moon .
  28. Gibbous ( المحاق) is one of the phases of the moon .
  29. Radioactivity is the changes that take place in the nucleus , or centre of certain materials .
  30. A nuclear reactor (المفاعل النووي ) is a machine that is used to generate electricity .
  31. Nuclear fission ( الانشطاري النووي ) is a radioactive process by which electricity is generated .

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