موضوع عن الحياة الصحية بالانجليزي

إليك موضوع عن الحياة الصحية بالانجليزي فالحياة الصحية هي الحياة المفعمة بالصحة الجسدية والنفسية ويُمكن تعزيز القدرة على التمتع بها بشكل كبير من خلال إتباع العادات الصحية التي يتطلب الالتزام بها تنمية الوعي بهذه العادات وبأهمية فعلها مع توضيح طريقة مبسطة لفعلها للتحفيز على التعود على ممارستها حتى تتحول إلى فعل تلقائي؛ ويُمكنك التعرف على كيفية التمتع بحياة صحية بالانجليزي من خلال الاطّلاع على هذه المقالة التي يُقدمها لك موقع الموسوعة كما الاستعانة بالمفردات التي ستقرأها في المقالة لتنمية حصيلتك اللغوية في اللغة الإنجليزية وتدعم قدرتك على كتابة موضوعك الخاص باللغة الإنجليزية عن هذا الموضوع.
موضوع عن الحياة الصحية بالانجليزي
Take care of your psychological health
I know that you face many challenges and that you are working hardly to achieve your goals and that makes you feel stress by various degrees but there are many important facts according to that.
Firstly, everything pass.
secondly, you handled things like these in the past albeit you thought some of them will destroy you totally.
Besides that you learned from them and became stronger with more experience.
So just follow some simple rules to reduce the stress you fell and to increase your ability to handle them, the first rule is thinking in a realistic way by realizing positives and negatives in everything, the second is to practice simple techniques as deep breathing, relaxation and mediation daily once at least.
Follow a healthy diet
Diet means habits of eating and you can the healthy diet for eating thought the next tips:
Replace sugar by honey or fruit.
Replace salt by lemon or orange juice or spices.
Replace butter by vegetarian oil as olives oil.
Replace cream with milk or yogurt.
Drink a lot of water.
Stop eating Fast food.
Eat food that is prepared in a healthy way like grilled or backed food.
limit drinking coffee and tea.
Sleep for enough time
I believe that you have a limitless to-do list and don’t have time to sleep enough but, you must find that time to support your health, to increase your ability to do your daily tasks faster and better, and to gain more control on your appetite and mood. you can make sure that by yourself by trying to do that tonight.
Move more
It’s easier to stay at your chair or couch and do anything by technological tools but it’s not healthy as your body needs to move for many reasons because it’s a vital thing to improve your muscles health, to control your appetite to increase your ability to enjoy with suitable weight and the same time it’s essential to promote your psychological health and your cognitive skills.
Moderate in everything
most useful thing is can turn to harmful thing If we use it a lot for example fruits and nuts are healthy food but if you eat them more than your body needs you will harm your health and increase the range of getting sick. So remember the golden rule, moderate in everything.
Never stop learning
learning is the fuel of mind and the exercise for its cells beside it’s path to get more chances in life and to increase your ability to achieving your goals in all life fields including health,simply you can’t do anything without realizing it and how it’s useful to you and knowing how you will do it.
موضوع عن نمط الحياة الصحية بالإنجليزي
Healthy lifestyle is a vital thing in improving your life at all dimensions and to be more specific is something you to yourself as if you don’t commit that by your choice you will have to as that will make you face heathy trouble the least of them is exhausted.
I know that you may think that lifestyle isn’t necessary as i fell good and when I feel sick I hurry to the doctor.
But you know albeit that is good but it isn’t enough, as in modern life albeit life became easier, it became busier and the same time the number of health problems maximized at all ages, so the risks became higher.
And ther’s a fact nobody can’t deny, that in modern life we still have a disease which we can’t protect ourselves from as cancer, so the best we can do is decreasing risks by following a healthy lifestyle.
Now you almost start thinking, yes I need to follow healthy lifestyle, but that’s hard, but that’s not true as:
First, lifestyle habits are simple.
Second, you can acquire one habit every time.
Third, you can depend on making minor changes.
Fourth, millions succeeded in that, so you can do that too.
If you still find this hard read the following lines to know a group of the easiest and most effective habits of healthy lifestyle.
Drink around 8 cups of water daily.
Sleep from 6 to 8 hours at night.
eat fruits and vegetables daily.
Exercise daily even for 15 minutes.
limit sugar and salt from food.
Avoid drinking soda drinks.
Take a break to relax between doing hard tasks.
Consume grill food instead of fried.
من أهم طرق التحفيز على فعل شيء هو المبادرة بفعله لذا:
1- بادر الآن بكتابة موضوع عن الحياة الصحية بالانجليزي بأسلوبك الخاص.
2- امنح نفسك فترة استراحة قلية لمدة 10 دقائق.
3- راجع موضوعك وعدله لتحسين جودته.