اللغة الانجليزية

مواضيع برزنتيشن سهله للتعبير عن طموحاتك و مهاراتك 

مواضيع برزنتيشن سهله للتعبير عن طموحاتك و مهاراتك

مواضيع برزنتيشن سهله للتعبير عن طموحاتك و مهاراتك

المناهج السعودية

مواضيع برزنتيشن سهله للتعبير عن طموحاتك و مهاراتك

تعتبر الثقة بالنفس من اهم عوامل النجاح حيث يمكنك التعبير عن طموحاتك ومهاراتك بشكل يصل للجميع بكل وضوح وسهولة وهنا سنقدم لكم حلول وأليات لتعزيز الثقة بالنفس والتغلب على مشكلة عدم الثقة بالنفس. كل ذلك ستجده هنا في مواضيع برزنتيشن سهله.


Hello every body, hope you are fine today … My name is … I will present to you today a topic about  how to increase your self confidence , I hope you will like it. And I will answer all your questions with pleasure.


Self confidence

 We all want to communicate effectively with others,man can not live isolated. Nevertheless, some suffer from a lack of self-confidence, which makes their communication with others has a lot of difficulties or problems.

Therefore, increasing self-confidence is necessary for the individual to enjoy effective communication with others, and meet the various psychological, physical and social needs.  In this presentation we present some mechanisms by which self-confidence can be raised and strengthened.

Ways to enhance self-confidence

Take a deep breath, and think in those words honestly, the whole thing in your hands, allow your talent to appear, and know that any hesitation to achieve this, are just ideas transmitted by your mind, because it does not accept change, whether the change is negative or positive. The quickest way to get rid of fears is to confront them rather than think about them.

Evaluate yourself, study your weaknesses that prevent you from achieving your goals and effective communication with others.  Try to write down the negative events that have passed in your life, and that influenced your personality. Writing negative beliefs and then burning them and writing a positive beliefs on the paper and repeat it and say it out loud.

Write down your strengths and boost them; invest them,  it will raise your confidence, and make your focus on them and on what you want, because what you focus on will increase, Do not make your focus on what you do not want.

Stay away from people who are constantly discouraging your progress, and stay close to those positive people who encourage your success, no matter how small, these are irreplaceable treasure.

Read successful stories, in addition to human development books; it will expand your mind and cultural perceptions, and give you the keys to discovering your successful personality.


Thank you for your kind attention … I hope you have liked the subject. If you have questions, I will answer them with pleasure.

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