برزنتيشن بالانجليزي عن برج ايفل قصير

برزنتيشن بالانجليزي عن برج ايفل قصير
برزنتيشن بالانجليزي عن برج ايفل قصير

برزنتيشن بالانجليزي عن برج ايفل قصير
برج ايفل هو من عجائب الدنيا السبعة وهو علامة مميزة للسياحة في فرنسا وسنتعرف هنا على الكثير من المعلومات عن هذا البرج الذييعد رائعة من روائع الهندسة والمعمار. كل ذلك ستجده هنا في ��رزنتيشن بالا��جليزي عن برج ايفل قصير.
Hello … My name is … I will present to you today a theme about the Eiffel Tower, I hope you will like it. I will answer all questions in the end with pleasure.
Eiffel tower
The Eiffel Tower is built by using iron and is 324 meters high.
The Eiffel Tower is located in Paris, in the north-west of Champ de Mars, near the Seine. The Eiffel Tower was named the 300th tower.
The tower is the symbol of the French capital Paris and the first tourist destination. It was therefore established in France, the ninth tourist site in terms of tourist visits in 2006, and the first in terms of the number of visitors. The number of visitors reached about 6,893 million visitors in 2007.
Eiffel Tower has been the world’s highest-altitude tourist landmark; its height has increased more than once by installing several antennas, up to 327 meters in 2011.
It was used in scientific experiments, As well as broadcasting television and radio programs and other uses.
The importance of the Eiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower was not created by coincidence, but it had functions of great importance, including:
It is used for broadcasting, because it is characterized by good rise, such as television broadcasting, and radio broadcasting.
The Eiffel Tower is used in the work of many different experiments by engineers and scientists such as: weather and monitoring experiments. In addition to scientific and practical research.
Restaurants: The tower has two restaurants to provide services to visitors: Altitude Restaurant 955, which is located in the first floor, and restaurant “Le Jules Verne” in the second floor of the tower and has an elevator.
The tower is used for lighting operations. It contains 20,000 light bulbs, forty thousand electrical connections, 230 boxes and electric panels and 10,000 square meters of electrical safety nets.
Thank you for your kind attention … I hope you have liked the subject. If you have questions, I will answer them with pleasure.
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