قواعد اللغة الانجليزية – الجمل المعقدة Complex Sentences

قواعد اللغة الانجليزية – الجمل المعقدة Complex Sentences
قواعد اللغة الانجليزية – الجمل المعقدة Complex Sentences

قواعد اللغة الانجليزية – الجمل المعقدة Complex Sentences
The alarm was raised.The fire was discovered.
The alarm was raised after [when – as soon as] the fire was discovered.
الفرق الرئيسي بين الجملة المركبة والجملة المعقدة هو ان الجملة المعقدة يوجد بها فكره واحده اساسية وافكار اخري تابعة ولذلك يمكن لنا ان نأخد الفكره الاساسية للجملة وقد تؤدي معني كامل بمفردها
The alarm was raised as soon as the fire was discovered.
في ذلك المثال يمكن ان نأخذ هذه الفقرة [The alarm was raised] خارج الجملة وقد يمكن ان تؤدي معني كامل بمفردها ولكن جملة [as soon as the fire was discovered] لا يمكن ان تؤدي معني كامل لانها فكره تابعة للفكرة الاساسية
I walked to work everyday, so that i can get some excercises.
ولكن هذه الفقرة [so that I can get some exercise ] لا يمكن ان تؤدي معني بمفردها
الجمل والاسماء الموصوله
They are the students who/that study in this school
[ Note: they are the student who they study in this school ]
This is the dog which lives in the next building.
Here are some photos that / which show my car.
يمكن ان تستخدم which – whom لتشير الي الاشخاص حيث ان كلا منهما يحلان محل المفعول به او ضمير المفعول مثل [him – me – you] ويمكن استخدام who بدلا من whom
They are the men who / that i met.
يمكننا حذف who / that وبدلا من أن نذكر
They are the men who/what I met —-> They are the men I met.
تستخدم which / that لتحل محل المفعول به وتشير الي الحيوانات او الاشياء
That is the tiger which i photographed.
Those are the dogs which attacked sarah.
Whose تحل محل صفات الملكية مثل [ his – your – my] لتشير الي الاشخاص
He is the student whose book was lost.
They are the players whose team was defeated.
الجمل الظرفية التي تشير الي السبب
ادوات الربط المستخدمه تربط جملتين لتكون جملة واحده معقده مثل [because – as seen that – since] – غالبا نبدأ الجملة بـ As since
As since christmas holiday starts , many shops will be closed.
يمكن ان نستخدم because لتحل محل as since ولكن لا يمكن ان تستخدم as since لتحل مجل because وقد تأتي because في النصف الثاني من الجملة
I cannot go to the school today because i feel tired.
الجمل الظرفية التي تشير الي التناقض
ادوات الربط المستخدمه تربط جملتين بينهما تناقض لتكون جملة واحده معقده
مثل though – although – even though – where as – even if – while
Though i had passed my TOEFL test successfully , i couldn’t my required score.
يمكن ان تستخدم however + صفه او ظرف مثل however small , however much وتستخدم أيضا no matter – how – where – how much + صفة او ظرف كأدوات ربط بين جملتين بينهما تناقض لتكوين جملة معقدة واحده
I will buy a digital camera however much [ whatever ] it costs.
The police will find the serial killer no matter where he is hiding
الجمل الظرفية التي تشير الي الغرض [ so that – in order that ]
يمكن ان تعبر عن الغرض باستخدام so that – in order that
I spent six months in Italy in order that [so that] I might learn Italian.
يمكن استخدام used to + الفعل في المصدر لتحل محل so that – in order that
I spent a year in France to learn French.
الجمل الطرفية التي تشير الي النتيجة
يمكن ان تعبر عن السبب باستخدام ادوات ربط مثل so + صفة + that
He was tired .He went to a doctor
He was so tired that he went to a doctor.
Such يتبعها الاسم + that
He is a fool . He almost believes anything.
He is such a fool that he believes anything.
الجمل الطرفية التي تشير الي المقارنة
He is as fat as me.
نلاحظ ان as – that يتبعهم ضمير المفعول كذلك يمكن ان تستخدم الفاعل + الفعل
He is taller than me.
Ali is as tall as I am.
He is shorter than I am.
نستخدم does – do – did لتحل محل الماضي والمضارع البسيط
He speaks english fluently as well his brother does.
He plays tennis well as well as I do.
He congratulated his sister yesterday as well as I did.
استخدام اسم الفاعل بدلاً من الجملة ا لظرفية
نستخدم اسم الفاعل بعد أدوات الربط التالية : after – before – when – while – since
I damaged the car while i was trying to park it.
I damaged the car while trying to park it.
اسم الفاعل يحل محل الجملة الموصولة حيث اننا يمكن ان نحذف which / who + is / are عند استخدام اسم الفاعل
The man who is standing there is the serial killer ——> The man standing there is the serial killer.
There is a person scheme for people who work for this company —–>
There is a person for people working for this company.