برزنتيشن عن التفاح – هام للطلاب الجامعيين

برزنتيشن عن التفاح – هام للطلاب الجامعيين
برزنتيشن عن التفاح – هام للطلاب الجامعيين

برزنتيشن عن التفاح – هام للطلاب الجامعيين
عن التفااااااااااااح
Apple trees fruitful trees of pink and platoon Altva h word derived from the Persian word Tuta, also called the comfortable. There is merit in the apples is to remove fatigue. There are many benefits of apples, such as : – washes and boosted periodontal dentistry. 2-reduces the rates of cholesterol in the human body. 3 – concludes the human body of poisons. and the fruit of apple them feature in attacking viruses. 4-apples protects the rights of infection by avoiding it j helped digestion. 5-apple fruit containing large 30% of the total of fiber, and Hohad minimum daily amount needed by the c cm rights.