برزنتيشن غرائب علم الحيوان

برزنتيشن غرائب علم الحيوان
برزنتيشن غرائب علم الحيوان

برزنتيشن غرائب علم الحيوان
من المعروف ان عالم الحيوان عالم ملئ بالغرائب والعجائب. حيث ان الله سبحانه وتعالي خلق لكل حيوان صفات تميزه عن غيره من المخلوقات حتي يستطيع ان يتكيف مع بيئته بشكل جيد. وهذا ما سنقدمه اليوم من خلال برزنتيشن قصير وسهل حيث ستجد هنا برزنتيشن جاهز عن غرائب عالم الحيوان. كل ما عليك فعله هو ارفاق المحتوي ببعض الصور التوضيحية باستخدام باوربوينت.
Hello … My name is … I will present to you today a presentation about the wonders of the animal world, I hope you will like it. And I will answer all your questions at the end with pleasure.
People have paid great attention to animals since ancient times, because there are many things that make them recognize the animal world; there is a relationship of mutual benefit.
It is known that the Prophet of Allah Solomon had many animals that were representing his soldiers and he was speaking to them and understands its language.
Over time we also see in the modern era that man became interested in animals and create natural reserves and zoos, where people go to see beautiful animals. So, I will present in this presentation a collection of strange information about animals.
The wonders of the animal world
Ants: It is known that ants can smell things with its legs.
Frogs: It is odd to frogs that they can absorb water through their skin , also it does not breathe with its mouth, because if it opens its mouth it dies with suffocation.
Worm: A worm can live even if divided into parts, each part can also live and make up for the parts it has lost.
Fish: The fish can not chew their food, because they swallow it quickly; it breathes from its mouth and if it keeps the food, it is strangled.
Ducks: Ducks have a reservoir behind their tail; it contains the oil that spreads on their body ,so, it is not affected by water at all.
Deer: Deer has several places to breathe in its body other than the nose, So as not to get tired if pursued by predatory animals.
Pig: the pig can not swim in the water, so it kills itself if it falls into the water by its strong hooves; it cuts its own head.
Owl: Owl has fixed eyes that never move, because its muscles are very strong, but it can move its head in the form of a full circle.
Thank you for your kind attention … I hope you have liked the subject. If you have any questions, I will answer it with all pleasure.
بهذا نكون قد قدمنا لكم برزنتيشن قصير وسهل