موضوع عن المنزل بالانجليزي

إليك موضوع عن المنزل بالإنجليزي فبالرغم من أن المنزل هو عبارة عن نوع من المباني التي لا تختلف كثيرًا عن بعضها فهي أشياء مادية في نهاية الأمر إلا أنه يُمثل قيمة كبيرة تعجز الكلمات عن التعبير عنها ويمكنك ببساطة معرفة ذلك من خلال ملاحظة شعورك عند مجرد قراءة الكلمة؛ لذا فهو من أهم الموضوعات التي يمكن الكتابة عنها بجميع اللغات ويُمكن كتابة موضوع مميز عنها من خلال التحدث عن منزل ومعناه بالنسبة لك وأهم الأشياء التي يُمثلها ومشاعرك أثناء وجودك فيه؛ يُمكنك الاستعانة بهذه المقالة التي يُقدمها لك موقع الموسوعة كبداية لإطلاق العنان لأفكارك التي ستترجمها كلماتك إلى نص مكتوب مميز نابع من أفكارك ومشاعرك الخاصة.
موضوع عن المنزل بالانجليزي
Home is a material thing as it’s a building and contains much stuff but, at the same time is very special thing and have many deep meanings which make words helpless when we try to describe it and lose the money from value if we even try to compare between them because money can’t buy the feeling of having a house.
If you are lost in that simply think about your house it’s details, how do you feel in it, can you imagine leaving it and spend even one month moving from hotel to another however how they are great and however you special time you can spend there? Can you remember a time when you were lost totally and can’t reach your home? Or did you ever seen a person in this harsh situation?
Home represents safety, love, concern, reinforcement, acceptance, help, forgiveness, family and stability. It’s the shelter in bad times and festival place for success and happiness parties, it’s the first place you think in when we need everything, nothing you can’t do if you think in it at least your it will support you with guidance and this happens whether you live with your family or your friends, Simply any place you call it “my home” will give you the same feeling and the same advantages.
According to psychology home is vital thing in our life as human beings needs to belong to something bigger and home is one of these things because it’s represents something bigger than its material components as a building, even If you have to live in a home alone during for some reasons your home will be a symbol of belonging too and you can realize that by thinking about the home you stayed in for some while, did you notice that people can’t forget their homes where they live for some periods in their lives, and can feel connected to the homes they lived in as their parents home, their own home, their home where they stay for a while.
And this sort of connection has many names as Rotundness, Topophilia and attachment to place, which comes from the role of home in providing us with a feeling of organization and being in control besides feeding our need to sense that there is a meaning for our life.
In short, home is a basic priceless thing in our life so, we can write an endless number of articles about it by our own words which come from our sensation and experience, hence you can write one and share it with us.
ترجمة أهم كلمات موضوع عن المنزل بالانجليزي
in short = باختصار.
thing = شيء.
share = يشارك.
experience = تجربة.
write = يكتب.
life = الحياه.
live= يعيش.
words = كلمات.
acceptance = القبول.
home= منزل.
building = مبنى.
hotel = فندق.
spend = يقضي.
remember= يتذكر.
contains= يحتوي على.
feel= يشعر.
reinforce= يدعم.
place = مكان.
sleep= ينام.
advantages= مميزات.
food= طعام.
stability = الإستقرار.
person= شخص.
harsh= صعب/ قاسي.
concern= اهتمام.
love= حب.
success= نجاح.
forgiveness= تسامح.
friends= أصدقاء.
everything= كل شيء.
material = مادي.
شعر عن المنزل بالانجليزي
Home’s not merely four square walls,
Though with pictures hung and gilded
Home is where affection calls
Filled with shrines the heart hath built
Home! go watch the faithful dove
Sailing neath the heaven above us
Home is where there’s one to love
Home is where there’s one to love us
Home’s not merely roof and room
It needs something to endear it
Home is where the heart can bloom
Where there’s some kind lip to cheer it
What is home with none to meet
None to welcome, none to greet us
Home is sweet, -and only sweet
When there’s one we love to meet us
By Charles Swain.
أقوال عن المنزل بالانجليزي
Home is where one starts from.
T.S. Eliot.
It’s a funny thing coming home. Nothing changes. Everything looks the same, feels the same, even smells the same. You realized what’s changed is you.-F.
Scott Fitzgerald.
Coming home to my family afterward makes the work richer, easier and more fun.
Edie Falco.
There’s no place like home. I mean, where else can you walk around without pants and not break any rules? A home is the physical embodiment of the people who inhabit it, so it’s no wonder that it’s such a special place for so many. Celebrate the feeling of being home with these words of wisdom that capture that inner peace we all feel at our favorite place.
.The Wizard of Oz
There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort.
.Jane Austen
Love begins at home.
.Mother Teresa
If you go anywhere, even paradise, you will miss your home.
.Malala Yousafzai
The ultimate luxury is being able to relax and enjoy your home.
.Jeff Lincoln
Home is where we should feel secure and comfortable.
.Catherine Pulsifer
Home is people. Not a place. If you go back there after the people are gone, then all you can see is what is not there any more.
Robin Hobb.
Home is where you feel loved, appreciated, and safe.
.Tracey Taylor
والآن اطلق سراح أفكارك واكتب ما يجول بفكرك عن المنزل دون نقد إلى أن تنتهي وبعد ذلك اذهب لتناول كوبًا من مشروبك المفضل ثم عُد لتنقيح موضوعك وتحسين جودته